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Rozmiar czcionki:


Under the Clean City of Gdańsk (CMG) brand, the Department of Municipal Economy of the City Hall in Gdańsk conducts educational activities on responsible waste management and circular economy. The scope of tasks carried out goes beyond merely informing about upcoming waste collection dates; it includes broad ecological education on proper waste management, organizing thematic events, cleaning campaigns, implementing external projects, communicating with residents, maintaining a mobile application, and many other activities.

CMG’s actions align with the objectives of the Gdańsk 2030 Plus City Development Strategy in the Green City area.

Find out how with Clean City of Gdańsk’s app

Don’t waste,
pass it forward!

Key elements of infrastructure, waste management

Gdańsk’s Sorterownie

Promotion of sustainability and less waste idea

CMG Festival

Construction of new PSZOK (Selective Waste Collection Point) on Meteorytowa street

New investment

Unprecedented scale of environmental competency development

Educational program Clean City of Gdańsk

Now available in digital version!

Property manager’s guide