About WEEEP Circular project:
Tytuł i akronim projektu: CE0100183 Circular WEEEP – „Design and test of policies for reducing, repairing, recovering and reusing waste from electrical, electronic equipment and plastic in Central Europe”
Programme: INTERREG Central Europe
Total project budget: EUR 2 389 760.00
Budget for Gdańsk: EUR 95 200.00
Including own contribution: EUR 19 040.00
Eligible expenditure will be refinanced 80% in the ERDF fund. An additional 15% of approved expenditure will be refinanced from the state budget’s special purpose reserve.
Project start date: 01.04.2023.
Project duration: 36 months
WEEEP = Waste from electrical, electronic equipment and plastics.
Circular WEEEP project objective:
- promoting more conscious choices in the purchase of goods and a ‘less waste’ lifestyle among Gdansk residents [which is based on the 6Rs principle: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle, Rot];
- development of a common methodology in WEEEP waste management
taking into account the needs and specific area of each project partner, but also considering the risks and benefits of transnational cooperation; - demonstrate and test the feasibility and effectiveness of 5 innovative international pilot actions and evaluate the proposed solutions on a small scale – before applying them to the area of all project partners and then making recommendations for the Central European area;
- supporting and testing digital solutions for the WEEEP circular economy, while increasing the capacity of public and private stakeholders in Central Europe to implement circular economy policies and put innovative solutions into practice.
Key actions for Gdansk:
- conducting education and information campaigns to raise awareness among residents, especially children and schoolchildren, on WEEEP waste management and the ‘less waste’ lifestyle;
- promoting the manufacture and purchase by users of products that are easier to recycle or reuse;
- exchange of experience and examples of ‘good practice’ with project partners on WEEEP waste management and the promotion of a ‘less waste’ lifestyle;
- promoting the idea of ‘second hand life’ for products and their repair;
- creating and supporting an online marketplace for recyclable materials;
- supporting the development and promotion of existing ICT tools in the city for booking the collection of electronic equipment from residents;
- developing cooperation with social enterprises and NGOs in the area of WEEEP;
The project involves 12 partners from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Austria and 3 entities from Poland. The composition of the consortium provides ample opportunities to share experiences and ‘good practices’ and to test the developed solutions in different areas and thus in very diverse conditions.